Monday, April 12, 2010

Loy in the Springtime

I took the Tuckster for a run at venerable old Loy Lake Park on this particular day. For once, the sun was shining and the spring breezes were just that-breezes. After a few miles around the Fair Grounds and up RC Vaughn road, we returned to the pickup. I was parked right at the dam -Couldn't help but notice fish swirling in the shallows up against the spillway. Like any flyfisher worth his salt, I just happened to have a three-weight in the back of the truck. Out came the fly rod, and the first cast hooked that little bass-pound, pound and a half, maybe. Several different varieties of Sunnies on almost every cast-even a stray crappie. Like true love, the best fishing trips are the spontaneous ones.....

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